Late afternoon thoughts: (June 11, 2014)
So, here’s a story about problem solving that I think bears thinking about and discussing. In the early days of computing, there were the big mainframes led by IBM, and then in the mid-1970s the minicomputer came into existence, led by Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC). The minicomputer solution was perfect for small businesses and departments in big businesses that just didn’t have the bucks or couldn’t get computer time on the big old IBM, Honeywell, Burroughs mainframes. And so DEC’s business grew rapidly, and because of its success, it spawned many competitors in the minicomputer field as well. This was the beginning of the boom era of the computer industry.
The interesting part about this timeframe was that it was obvious to most technically savvy folks that IBM just couldn’t do the whole job at any company, in spite of its hugeness. It was just too big and bulky. That’s kind of important to think about – because anything huge is doomed to eventual failure because it just can’t perform.
IBM sale guys were constantly confronted with DEC sales guys, and the IBM argument against having any company buy DEC products was that there would be a huge negative impact on the whole company if one department had its own non-IBM computing power. Hahahaha! Of course, the DEC guys were looking at company problem solving techniques and suggesting that you can solve a big problem by breaking it down into smaller, more manageable pieces, and solving the smaller problems. And, of course, the minicomputer industry led into the PC industry, etc. The rest, as they say, is history.
Back to today. While we Americans are extremely frustrated with the Zionist controlled NWO government we call the federal government, and it, like IBM, wants control of everything, maybe it’s time we downsized government and went for the minicomputer size government, namely the state governments.
Let’s take the federal government functions and replicate those functions in the states, which are, after all, sovereign states (or countries) on their own. There may be no better place to start than the banks, just as North Dakota has done for almost a century. Then let’s arm and train every able-bodied citizen with the best in weaponry for defense of the state (like Switzerland). Every republic (state) will need its own vital organizations, but let the people in the state decide which organizations are needed, and if they act like Max Nebraska, we know they will be small governments. Some might want an EPA (uugghh), and some might want their own FBI. That kind of stuff.
These are just thoughts, and I think they are already out there in the ether in many different forms, but I wanted to look at them as problem solving, not attacking the federal government for all of its traitorous, vile, unconstitutional, onerous, and aggressive actions against the states and the people (Crap – I said I wasn’t going to attack the feds, but it is so hard to remain civil when dealing with an organized and huge enemy force bearing down on you with all of their military might). But maybe it is time we broke off the relationship with the crime syndicate in Washington.
If you like this idea, I think one of the ways to decompose the federal government (I like that word, decompose), is to nullify it, and the best way to nullify it, is to withdraw your consent to be governed by the feds, and then simply stop voting in the federal elections. Lack of support by the people has caused every government to fail. It’s really sad the states don’t have the cojones to shut down the federal government that they originally created, but someone has to do the job, and it might as well be the people.