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There have been three women who have inspired and promoted the real libertarian movement (the one that teaches us the individual is of greater value than the group).  I may talk more about all three of these women in a separate post.  But right now, I want to address one of the women.

One of the three great women was Rose Wilder Lane, a twentieth century journalist, and in addition to helping her mother write the ‘Little House on the Prairie’ books, her big contribution honoring the individual was her book published in 1943 and entitled  “THE DISCOVERY OF FREEDOM, Man’s Struggle Against Authority.”  I own the book and have read it a couple of times, but recently learned the book is apparently open sourced now, so I’ve uploaded the PDF version of the book on to  It is also available on a few other websites.

If you have not yet read this book and are the least bit interested in understanding the history of the world and what happened in America that started to change life for all humanity, this may be the book for you.  Interestingly enough, Lane was critical of the book, and that was in spite of all of the kudos she received for writing it.  I like it, as it reminds me of how life works, and refreshes some of the ideas that help identify me as an American, and how different we are from some other nationalities.



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