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“In a bothersome case of political correctness gone amok, a professor at a highly ranked public university in the United States has been suspended for suggesting a foreign student “learn English.”

“During a recent class, [Professor Gary] Minden told a foreign student [at the taxpayer funded University of Kansas (UK)] who was using an online translation system on a cell phone that the student should “learn English,” according to a local newspaper report. The unidentified student evidently was not bothered over the suggestion, but others in the class were offended and an “hour long discussion” ensued in the engineering class which focuses on embedded systems.

“During the discussion things apparently got heated and many students in the class became very upset. The professor told the local newspaper that he’s “frustrated” over the incident but refused to comment further for obvious reasons. In the article a university spokeswoman said “a number of students have raised concerns about events that occurred in their engineering class. In response to these concerns, the university has assigned a different instructor to teach the course while the matter is reviewed.”

“This is hardly an isolated case of political correctness at taxpayer-funded schools in the United States.  Public elementary, middle and high schools as well as colleges have taken an extreme leftist turn on several issues over the years and Judicial Watch has reported or taken legal action in several of the cases.”

One Comment

  • Highlander says:

    I suspect that with the underlying goal of destroying the United States, the universities are doing their part. One would normally think that people inside a university would be the smartest people in the room, but that is evidently not the case. Do events like this help destroy the perceived interest and need in university degrees? I suspect so. Americans seem to have have lost their way.

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